Granfondo Serra da Estrela - Rules




Art.1 - The 10th edition of the Serra da Estrela Granfondo will have the official start at 08:30 on June 29, 2025 (Sunday) in Manteigas, ending at the same place of the start.

Art.2 - The Serra da Estrela Granfondo is not a race. It's a cycling challenge in which participant cycle at his own pace throughout the length of the course. However participants are timed, by electronic chips (time taken to complete the entire course or some segments identified before the event by the organization).





rt.3 - The Serra da Estrela Granfondo obey the rules of the Portuguese Cycling Federation and is therefore subject to the principles contained in that regulation. It is a event open to all cyclists, federated or not federated, of both sexes over 19 years in Granfondo and 17 years in Mediofondo.

Art.4 - Prevention from participation in the event for athletes to fulfil their respective federation’s penalties for use of doping substances. Is also forbidden to use doping substances before, during and after the event. Any participant with a positive result in an anti-doping control during the event will be immediately disqualified, prohibited from participating definitively in any other event organized by the Clube Chronos and subject to legal proceedings brought by the organizer for misconduct and prejudice of the good image of the event and cycling as a whole.

Art.5 - The participant is allowed only the use of two-wheeled vehicles (bike road, bike all-terrain, tandem) without any engine.

Art.6 – Participants are required to use approved cycling helmet. Not to comply with this rule will result in immediate disqualification.

Art.7 - The participation in the event is the responsibility of each participant, assuming the entire risk related to its participation.

Art.8 - To participate in the event the athlete is required to have a valid Portuese Cycling Federation license, or alternatively take the 1 day license provided by Portuguese Cycling Federation that includes an insurance exclusively for the event with the following conditions:

Personal Accidents (PA)

  • Death or permanent disability by accident 28.043,00 €
  • Treatment expenses by accident 5.000,00 €
  • Funeral expenses (expenses) 2.700,00 €

This contract works on a refund system.

Civil Responsibility (CR)

  • Capital covered by associate, claim and annuity € 50,000.00

Art.9 - The organization is not responsible for any accident that may be caused or may victimize any participant, which should be covered by the insurance of the Portuguese Cycling Federation, or for any expenditure incurred by any participant during the event.

Art.10 - The athletes are responsible for their registration and participation in Serra da Estrela Granfondo, aware that this is a real physical challenge, requiring adequate preparation and a good physical shape. It is strongly recommended that each athlete should do an appropriate medical examination before participating in this event.





Art. 11 - Registrations for the Event are limited and and has different prices, according to the period:



(30.06.2024 – 31.12.2024)



(01.01.2025 – 31.05.2025)



(01.06.2025 – 22.06.2025)

Athletes with a valid Portuguese Cycling Federation license

44,00 €

49,00 €

54,00 €

Athletes without a valid Portuguese Cycling Federation license *

 49,00 €

54,00 €

 59,00 €

* - includes the 1 day license with insurance provided by Portuguese Cycling Federation

After the payment, no returns will be made to athletes who register as non-federated and become federated, that must be valid on the date of event.

Art.12 - On the registration form, the athlete may opt, as an extra, for the subscription of the Premium Registration. This registration has an additional cost of € 55.00, including in addition to what is included in the normal registration, one Official Jersey of the event and access to the front starting corral (Box Premium). Premium entries are limited to a maximum of 100 athletes.

For athletes who subscribe to the Premium Registration until the 24 hours of May 31st, 2025, the Official Jersey is included inside the goody bag at the registration office. Athletes who subscribe the Premium Registration after May 31st will receive the Official Jersey on the address indicated to the organization for that purpose.

Art.13 - The registrations will be made only on the official website Registration will only be validated after the payment, within the established period and through the payment methods published on the official website.

Registration is open until 24:00 h on June 22nd, 2025. After the closing date, the organization can made available some more subscriptions, in limited numbers, which will cost an additional € 30. Athletes registered after June 22nd don’t have their bib number personalized (name and nationality) and don’t have also the official t-shirt on their participant kit. No payments will be accepted after the deadline. Payments made after the deadline will be refunded within 90 days, by bank transfer, upon receipt of a Credit Note signed by the athlete, deducted from the amount of € 5 relating to administrative expenses.

Art.14 - Each participant assumes that all the data filled in the registration form are correct and true and the email address provided is the best way to be communicated by the organization with all the important information about the event, considering informed by this way.

Art.15 - All contacts with the organization should be made by email to the address During the June 28th and 29th contacts can be made in person at the registration office or at the information office.

Art.16 - The invoice data will be issued according to the information filled on the registration form. After invoices are issued, changes will not be made, including the tax identification number indicated on the registration form.

Art.17 - By doing his registration each participant read and subscribes the responsibility disclaimer provided by the organization as it declares to know and take the risks inherent of participating in a cycling event open to traffic. In this responsibility disclaimer the athlete excludes the organization responsibility for any accident derived from his participation in the event. However all participants will be covered by the event insurance, or by his federation insurance.

Art.18 - In case of withdrawal, if it is communicated to the organization by email to until 24 hours on May 31st, 2025, 50% of the amount paid for your registration will be returned to the participant. If the withdrawal is communicated after 24 hours on May 31st, 2025, no refund will be made.

Art.19 - An already regularized registration of a withdrawing athlete may be transferred to another substitute athlete, if it is communicated to the organization by email ( until June 22nd. To the athlete who quits will be sent a voucher corresponding to the value of his / her registration, to which the amount of € 5.00 relating to administrative expenses shall be subtracted, and the new athlete shall make a new registration using the same discount voucher and paying only the remaining value. To the substitute athlete will be assigned a new bib number.

Art.20 - The entry documentation, including the Event number for the bike can be collected at the Registration Office, at June 28th and 29th at a time to be announced.

Art.21 - To collect the documentation from the event organizers it is required to submit the responsibility term signed, an identification document (ID or passport) and the federation license duly recognized, in case you have not subscribed the 1 day licence provided by the Portuguese Cycling Federation.

Art.22 - Other person can collect the documentation, but he must to submit good copies of the athlete’s documents.

Art.23 - The bib number for the bike and chip equipment are owned by the Organization and the participant have permission to use it until the end of the event if complies with all the rules or by decision taken by the organization at any time.

At the end of the Event the Event number is offered to the participant by the organization. The Event munber and the chip are equipment for personal use and non-transferable and not allowed to be used by another person.

Art.24 - All participants must place the Event number on the front of the bicycle, in the area of the handlebar so as to be entirely visible. Any athlete who fails to comply with this rule will be prohibited to enter in the starting boxes and will be excluded from the event. It is strictly forbidden to modify the graphical content contained on the Event number on the bicycle, or add any type of message or image-oriented advertising or otherwise.

Art.25 - The chip must be in the right position on the backside of the frontal identification number for the bike.

Art.26 - The organization can not be held responsible for errors or failures of the chip chrono system, either by improper use by the participant, or for any other reason.allos en la lectura del chip, quiere sea por mala utilización por parte del participante, o por cualquiera otro motivo.





Art.27 - The start for Granfondo and Mediofondo is given simultaneously, with the participants distributed by starting boxes in the following order and designations:

Box A – Bib numbers from 01 to 100 

Box B - Bib numbers from 101 to 299 

Box C - Bib numbers from 300 to 499 

Box D - Bib numbers from 500 to 699 

Box E - Bib numbers from 700 to 899 

Box F - Bib numbers from 900 to 1099 

Box G - Bib numbers from 1100 to 1299

BOX H – Bib numbers from 1300 to 1500. 

The distribution of the participants (bib numbers order) through the starting boxes is done in order of confirmation of the entry (bibnumbers).

Art.28 - The event will take place on OPEN ROADS WITH TRAFFIC. All participants must strictly comply with traffic rules contained in the Portuguese Road Code, with particular attention to the requirement to keep the right side of the road and observe the rules of priority at junctions. Any person who does not respect these rules will be immediately expelled from the event and will be barred from participating in subsequent editions of the event. Each participant is required to read and sign a statement provided by the organization which declares to know and take the risks inherent to participation in a competition open to traffic. In this statement the athlete precludes the organization responsibility for any accident derived from their participation in the event. However the participants are covered by the event insurance.

Art.29 - In order to provide the concept of "everybody rides on his own pace” in all the course, the organization's vehicles will follow in front of the Event with an appropriate speed to not interfere with the pace of the participants. However, if necessary, the vehicles of the organization may restrict the speed of the participants.  In these situations the participants cannot surpass the organization's cars circulating in front. Athletes who violate this rule are out of the safety system of the event, following at their own risk.

Art.30 - Assistance provided to athletes by support vehicles outside the organization is strictly prohibited. It also prohibited for vehicles to accompany the cyclists during the event. Information will be provided by the organization about the places recommended for caregivers to assist the transition and provide support to athletes. Security forces (Police) are present to prevent movement of support vehicles in the middle of cyclists in the Event, ensuring compliance with the code of the road.

Art.31 - The control of the event will be made by security forces, composed of elements of the GNR (National Republican Guard), corporations belonging to the territory and the traffic Corp, which will ensure compliance with traffic rules by all those involved in the event and other vehicles on the road.

Art.32 - The time control of each athlete will be carried out electronically, with chips. 
The use of the chip is mandatory, the athlete must meet the rules for its correct positioning and use. Improper use of the chip or non-use participation of an athlete does not show in the registration of its passage through the timing controls stipulated by the organization, causing the disqualification, with the consequent absence of the final list of times and the loss of his or her proof of participation.
Check points, where times will be recorded, will be located in the arrival and departure and other points along the Event route.

Art.33 - - To ensure the integrity and safety of athletes, there are control points, which will set time limits for passing. Athletes who come to these control points after the time limit set for each control will be obliged to abandon the event and be collected by the vehicle "broom wagon" to the finish.

The calculation basis for the time limit to cross these points, will be the average speed that athletes have to meet to reach the finish line before closing time (17:30h), weighted other factors such as the route profile of the various sectors of the route.

Participants who choose to continue by their own means will be required to report at the checkpoint with time and respective number of participant and will cease to be governed by the event organization and will carry on at their own risk from that point.

Art.34 - Athletes who drop out during the event must address the organization's members, in person or by phone, announcing their withdrawal. Upon determining the absence of an athlete, rescue services will be advised. Any person who didn’t announce his or her withdrawal can be charged for the costs of the search and rescue. In addition will be punished with a ban from participating in later editions of the event.

Art.35 - Athletes must strictly comply with the time, including the time of departure, ensuring that they start before the sweeper car. Who doesn’t respect this rule of proof will be participating at is own risk, out of the organization’s control and responsibility.

Closing Time of the Start Checkpoint (km 0) - 08:40 h

Art.36 - The organization shall have a medical monitoring of the event, with several mobile medical teams and ambulances. If necessary participants must apply for help to organizational elements that trigger the necessary means of assistance.

Art.37 - Athletes who have suffered an accident during the event and needed emergency or medical services, should within three days after the event’s day, participate the accident the Portuguese Cycling Federation to the email address: This participation of the accident is critical to ensure the coverage of the damage by email to

Art.38 - The organization shall have mechanical assistance along the route to try to solve mechanical problems. In case of failure, the hand labor is free, however the replacement parts will be charged to athletes who need them. Participants must carry some money during the event to pay these costs. If the participant does not have enough money to cover the costs, must sign a debit note that will be passed by the mechanic assistant. This debit note should be payed in the end of the course, at the registration office. The repair of punctures is excluded from the interventions provided by the mechanical support. The mechanical assistance will consist of fixed and dynamic teams that will circulate along the course. Because of the event’s dynamic this service may not ensure assistance to all participants. However the existence of this mechanical assistance, the participants must properly prepare their bikes, making sure they are in the best condition in the beginning of the event. The organization can never be blamed for the abandonment of an athlete caused by mechanical problems.

Art.39 - The athletes in the competition should ensure the transport of food and fluid replacement for their own food and hydration. However, the organization will assemble recovering stations, identified before the event, which will dispense some food and drinks.

Art.40 - For safety, it is forbidden for participants to use headphones as an accessory device for listening to music or using the phone during the event.

Art.41 - During the event, the participant is obliged to carry a mobile phone with the number provided on the registration form, an identity card and money if he wants to benefit from the availability of replacement parts in mechanical assistance during the event. In case of bad weather conditions, the organization may compel participants to use or transport some equipment, such as thermal blankets or windstop and waterproof clothes.

Art.42 - The organization has the right to make changes on the course and other dynamic of the event when justified for any reason, without having to compensate participants.





Art.43 - Participants are required to have a responsible behavior with regard to cleaning and preserving the environment in all areas used along the route and the area of departure and arrival. Because the event takes place integrally in the protected area of the Natural Park of Serra da Estrela obliges everyone to take a extra careful with their conduct. It is forbidden to throw waste onto the ground, before during and after the event. At the finish and start area and at the refueling areas garbage containers will be provided by the organization to deposit waste carried by athletes. Ignoring this rule will result in immediate disqualification.





Art.44 - The sanctions will be applied in these situations:

44.1 - Not comply with the rules defined in this regulation.

44.2 - Not comply with the orders and directions given by the security forces and the elements of the organization.

44.3 - Do not pass by the start and finish control or by the other control points along the existing route.

44.4 - Adopten un comportamiento antideportista, adptando medios irregulares o que pongan en cuestión la seguridad de terceros y su propia seguridad para obtener cualquier tipo de ventaja en su participación.

44.5 - Fouling or degrading the route and other areas used in the event.

44.6 - Adopt behaviors that prevent the normal running of the event and going against this Regulation.

44.7 - In case of by words or acts, do not respect other participants or members involved in the organization.

Art.45 - The offenses can be detected and reported by members of the organization or by security forces, coming from the Juri Committee of the organization the final decision on sanctions for athletes concerned.

Art.46 - Sanctions that can be applied:
• Exclusion of the event, without any sort of classification or participation proof.
• Inclusion of the athlete’s name in the list of sanctioned athletes, to be published after the event.
• Exclusion in later editions of the event and other events organized by the same organization..
• Sanctions imposed by the police if the offenses are detected by the authorities and they consider to be deserving of sanction.





Art.47 - The Organisation exclusively holds the advertising and commercial rights of the Event, thus becoming their responsibility to negotiate and manage such rights on behalf and for the benefit of all participants, sponsors, partners and other entities.

Art.48 - The Organisation exclusively holds the right to receive, withhold and distribute all of the revenue from the commercial use of the commercial and advertising rights.

Art.49 - All Participants must scrupulously abide by all commercial contracts and agreements concerning the commercial use of the Event. Participants must make every possible effort to ensure the compliance with the obligations undertaken thereunder by the Organisation.

Art.50 - Except given express consent by the Organisation, the Participant is expressly prohibited to display or put up any publicity, and promote companies, products, goods, equipment or services, during the Event.

Art.51 - The Participant is responsible for any obligations resulting from the use of registered trademarks, patents and licenses of intellectual property rights, during the Event and upon its completion.

Art.52 - Should the Organisation be sued for breaching any of the rights mentioned in the previous paragraph, the Participant is then bound to compensate the Organisation for every expense resulting from such breach.





Art.53 - By registering, all Participants accept the present rules and, should any doubt or situation not foreseen here arise, they should inform the Organisation and present such queries in writing.

Art.54 - By clicking the box, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of registration and participation in the Event and to all the conditions in the present Rules, which is the equivalent to declaring the following

54.1 - I have read and agree to the Official Rules of the Granfondo Serra da Estrela, made available on the website ;

54.2 - I am aware of my health status and confirm that I meet the physical and mental requirements to take part in the Event;

54.3 - I declare that I will not take part in the Event, should my health status change after registration;

54.4 - I am aware of the contents of the existing insurance policy;

54.5 - By taking part in the Event, I authorise the Organisation and their partners in this Event to use my image completely free of charge and without any restrictions. I thus yield all image rights, namely photographs and video footage captured during the Event, forfeiting to receive any earnings resulting from the diffusion of such images in communicational support pieces;

54.6 - It is of my own free will that I take part in this Event, exempting the Organisation, their parters, directors, associates and other companies associated with the Event, from any responsibility resulting from my participation, before, during and after the Event (for instance, loss of personal belongings by theft, damages or other circumstances);

54.7 - I am aware of the conditions of cancellation of the Event, which I fully accept.





Art.55 - Complaints must be presented in writing on site at the Event’s premises or after the Event, to the following e-mail address





Art.56 - The registration in this event and the acceptance of these rules automatically imply that the Participant authorises the Organisation to full or partially capture the Participant during the event.  These images may be used freely in the promotion and advertising of the event in every media channel (television, radio, press, internet, billboards, cards and fliers, photos and videos). The Participant therein grants the Organisation all image rights aforementioned for the purpose of commercial use and advertising, forfeiting the right to receive any financial compensation from the Organisation.





Art.57 - The Organisation of Granfondo Serra da Estrela fully complies with the Data Protection Law in force. The athletes are fully aware and authorise the insertion and treatment of their personal data on files belonging to the Event’s Organisation. Said information will be used with the purpose of development, administrative and commercial management and other activities. The athletes must state the name they wish to see on the bib, in the participant’s list and on the final score that shall be published on the website of the Event.  In spite of the previous, the privacy policy allows the athlete to request the amendment or removal of their data by sending an e-mail request to

Art.58 - By confirming his registration, the participant authorizes to be contacted by Stop and Go and Clube Desportivo e Recreativo Chronos by telephone, sms and email for the following purposes:

  • Payment/Billing information
  • Participants’ information
  • Classification information
  • information about the event

Art.59 - Additionally, if the Participant grants the relevant authorisation upon registration, it will authorise the Organisation to:

  • Process the personal data received by the Organisation or generated as consequence of registration in the Event, for the execution of general commercial actions or adapted to the Participant’s profile, by any medium (Letter, telephone, e-mail, SMS, MMS, instant messaging apps, etc.), about products or services from the Organisation and the companies belonging to the Podium Events, S.A. group, or related to the execution and organisation of events, Events and sports competitions, merchandising or similar activities, during the period of time foreseen by the Organisation in its internal policies for retaining data. The Participant can, at any moment, revoke the present authorisation.

Art.60 - The Participant may, at any given time, exercise their right of access, correction, cancellation/deletion, opposition, limitation and portability recognised by the laws relating to Data Protection in force, by addressing the Organisation through registered mail with delivery receipt, at the address Avenida Engenheiro Duarte Pacheco, n.º 19, 6º Dto, 1070- 100 Lisboa or by the following e-mail address

Art.61 - Notwithstanding the Participant’s ability to exercise the aforementioned rights, the Organisation will retain the personal data provided by the Participant or generated as a consequence registration and or participation in the Event for its duration, as well as during the limitation period of judicial actions that may be presented by either party.

Art.62 - Once that period is over, the Organisation may retain the processed personal data with the purpose of identifying former participants in order to offer them discounts and promotional campaigns in future Events, as well as to be able to provide them with products and services from the Organisation, whenever said Participants have authorized so.

Art.63 - For a better knowledge of the data protection rules implemented by the Organization, participants should consult the terms of the Privacy Policy published on the official event website at





Art.64 - There are several reasons that might force the Organisation to suspend, postpone or cancel the Event, as well as to change the location, schedule or course of the Event. In none of these circumstances may the Organisation be held accountable for breach of contract. Consequently, no accountability will be asked of the Organisation as it shall not be obliged to financially, or in any other way, compensate any athlete, person or entity by this fact.



Art.65 - All participants will have to comply with the rules applied by the organization, in order to guarantee the safeguard and the guidelines issued by the local and national health authorities on the date of the event.




Art.66 - The Organisation is not held accountable for any loss or malfunction that might affect the Participants’ equipment. The Participant exonerates the Organisation of responsibility for the loss or any damage of any personal object, under every circumstance.

Art.67 - By registering and validating the registration in Granfondo Serra da Estrela, the Participants acknowledge and fully accept the Rules, renouncing any legal action against the Organisation, derived from their participation in the Event.

Art.68 - These Rules are subject to change. Any changes, amendments or eventual annexes to the present Rules shall be published on the official website of the Event, and will be tacitly accepted, should there be no opposition of any of the introduced rules in a maximum of eight days from date of release, provided that such opposition is made in writing to the Organisation by the following e-mail address:

Art.69 - The Organisation shall form a Event Jury, comprised of five elements of the Organisation that shall decide on the sanctions to be applied and on every matter concerning the Event that has not been subject to these Rules, as well as to decide on any misinterpretation of the Rules.

Art.70 - If a registered athlete does not participate in the Event and in case the documentation and eventual gifts are not collected at the appropriate location, no such items will be sent afterwards, as these are only to be collected on the date and venue of the Event.

Art.71 - The organization of Granfondo Serra da Estrela is the responsibility of the Clube Desportivo e Recreativo Chronos, in partnership with Stream Plan.

Art.72 - The present Rules come into effect at 12.00 on the June 30th, 2024, revoking all previous dispositions or determinations.