Granfondo Serra da Estrela - Conduct
Granfondo > Conduct
Code of Conduct

As in everything in life, we believe that civility, respect and responsibility are fundamental principles in the participation of each one in an event like the Serra da Estrela Granfondo.

In this sense, we leave some important guidelines for cycling in a group, in order to have the safest and best possible experience on the day of the race, and so we can repeat it for many years with the least impact on the environment and for all those who do not participate in it.


1. Environmental Responsability 

This is one of the main causes embraced by the organization of Serra da Estrela Granfondo, trying above all to make athletes aware of the need to change behaviors, essential for the preservation of the natural scenarios where these events are organized and for their continuity over time.

The Serra da Estrela Granfondo takes place entirely in the Serra da Estrela Natural Park, a protected area of ​​enormous beauty and environmental value. This fact should be a reason for all the people involved in this event, from the organization to the participants to behave in an exemplary manner, safeguarding the value of this natural landscape and the sustainability of Granfondo Serra da Estrela.

Aware of the reality that cycling, professional and amateur, has a lot to do to adapt its image to the values ​​of environmental preservation, the organization of Serra da Estrela Granfondo joined the international projects Ecocyclo and Ne Jetez Plus. This last one drafted a version of its official logo in Portuguese, specifically for events under the responsibility of Clube Chronos with the message “Don't throw it away”. Thus, Clube Chronos joins, as the only Portuguese sports organization, organizations from other events such as Quebrantahuesos, L'Etape du Tour, La Leggendaria Charly Gaul and other reference events as a partner of these projects recognized by UCI, trying to avoid that major cycling events are marked by the garbage trail left along the road and its shoulders.

The big change can be made by small gestures and the attitude of not throwing the garbage out of the designated areas means saving hours of an arduous task done by the volunteers along the way, searching and picking up the rest of the wrappers left by the athletes , so that the big cycling party on June 25th will have nothing but good memories.

Complementing this work of awareness and motivation for a better behavior of the athletes along the route, the organization, in Serra da Estrela Granfondo will carry out several actions and give greater prominence in recovery areas purposely identified for the participants to deposit the their empty packaging wrappers.

More Information at:


2. Remember where you are

- Always keep in mind the spirit that underlies the concept of Granfondos.

- Despite its course or part of it being timed, Serra da Estrela Granfondo is not a competition. It is a cycling event for everyone in which participants ride at their own pace along the entire length of the route and where safety, responsibility and respect for all who share the same spaces and routes used in the event override any other component, including competitive.


3. Comply with traffic rules 

- Although there may be control in some sectors, all routes are open to car traffic, forcing all participants to respect traffic rules.

- Always drive in your lane.

- Always obey all traffic signs.

- Respect other drivers throughout the journey.


4. Get ready in advance

- Make sure that you have a physical preparation appropriate to the effort you are going to make. It is strongly advised to see a doctor to assess whether your health status is compatible with your participation in a Granfondo.

- Despite the recovery provided by the organization, ensure that it carries the appropriate amount of water and nutrition, as well as a way to purchase some type of product along the way, if necessary.

- Learn how to use and carry with you a basic repair kit (alternate air chamber, air pump, disassembly and a tool kit).


5. Respect the starting corrals 

- The pits were organized in order to facilitate the circulation of all cyclists at the start of the event.

- Respect the indications of the staff and the authorities

- Do not try to force yourself into a corral that does not correspond to you.

- Get to the departure area in advance.

- If you leave a corral further back, do not rush or overtake. In the first climbs you will have the opportunity to get ahead of the pack.


6. Respect others 

- Respect the forces of authority involved in your security

- Respect all elements linked to the organization

- Respect all other employees - pay special attention, as many of the employees are volunteers, not professionals, who offer their time to receive you in your land and for the love of cycling.


7. At Feed Stations

- Pay special attention when approaching feed stations.

- When you stop, please try to eat and drink without harming others.

- Consume only what is necessary until the next feed station.

 - Stop your bicycle only in the areas reserved for that purpose. Failure to comply with this point can lead to major blockages and seriously harm those who come after you.

 - Do not urinate near feed stations.


8. Be always alert

- Do not use the phone while pedaling - get off the road if you need to make a call or send a message.

- Do not take photos and selfies while cycling.

- Leave playlists and podcasts for indoor training. Do not listen to music during the race.

 - Keep your head up, especially when walking in a group. Look at the road and the athletes around you, not your bicycle computer.

 - Considering the scenario of circulating in a peloton, the use of handlebar extenders is strongly discouraged as it puts the safety of others at risk.

 - When cycling in a group, try to look past the cyclist directly in front of you to anticipate any problems before they happen.

 - Be gentle with the brakes when pedaling in a group. Drive smoothly respecting a safe distance from other participants.


9. Communicate with others

- Use verbal and manual cues to let others know what you are going to do.

- Maintain eye contact with everyone who shares the route with you.

- While cycling, communicate verbally and in a gestural manner with other participants, alerting to hazards that you may encounter on the road, including potholes, debris or animals.

- Carry personal identification and at least one debit or credit card.

- Carry your mobile phone with you, ensuring that it was your contact that you provided to the organization at the time of registration.

- Before leaving, ensure that your odometer is zero, or that alternatively you have a device (gps) that allows you to correctly monitor the distance traveled. If you need to contact the organization, this measure will allow you to communicate your correct location.


10. In the event of an accident

- In case of an accident, communicate with the organization through the number of SOS on the bib number, providing the most accurate and objective information on:

The course you are taking (Granfondo or Mediofondo)

The kilometer where you stopped and you are witnessing the accident

The apparent condition of the injured person(s)